Managing Sensitive And Acneic Skin By Mari Bozozo Although having both sensitive and acneic skin is not necessarily a mutually exclusive occurrence, it is more common than not for a person to have both. Yes, some of you may have acneic skin, but are not necessarily sensitive. In your case, that is terrific! But for those of us who have bouts with both, it can be a particularly slippery slope in dealing with it. I have had very sensitive skin for as long as I can remember. The horrors that I have suffered were thankfully not repetitive once I pinpointed the culprits. From those episodes, I learned to take better care of my skin by the process of elimination going forward. One of the main perpetrators for me was the chemical preservative Oxybenzone, a common ingredient found in commercial sunscreens. Without having prior knowledge of my allergy to this ingredient, I recall slathering it on practically all of my body in preparation for a fun day at an amusement park many moon...
Showing posts from August 11, 2019