Incentivizing Amazon Reviews

There is good news for sellers who hope to increase the number of reviews for their merchandise. Amazon will reach out to reputable reviewers at random — those who have never been flagged for writing dishonest or abusive reviews in the past — and offer them a $1 - $3 gift card to incentivize them to write customer reviews mainly for items with five reviews or less. The program is called the Amazon Early Reviewer Program, and while the reviewers are chosen at random, it is not extended to Amazon employees or friends and family of participating sellers.

The Amazon Early Reviewer Program is meant to bolster the number of reviews for new sellers while encouraging customers to get in the habit of writing experiential reviews. In no way is the program designed to flood sellers’ pages with positive feedback; reviewers are encouraged to be honest and forthright with their opinions.

It is important to make sure you meet all the criteria before applying for the program:

  • Your brand is registered in the U.S. and/or you already sell on Currently the Early Reviewer Program is not offered elsewhere in the world.
  • The ASIN is priced over $15. There is a fee for each ASIN in the program and fiscally it does not make sense to extend this incentive for lower priced items. Please note that once an item is enrolled in the program, it cannot be unenrolled. The seller will not be charged until the first review is posted.
  • The merchandise has less than 5 reviews.   

To register for the program, visit

A flat fee is assigned, plus tax, to the ASIN once the seller has uploaded the SKU file. And while the program does not guarantee reviews, if no customers bite on the incentives, there will be no charge to the seller. Lastly, should the seller receive those 5 reviews, Amazon will cease the incentive initiative for that particular ASIN.

It’s an interesting tactic to employ, especially for new sellers looking to widen their customer base.


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