Keeping Acne At Bay During The Summer
Keeping Acne At Bay During the Summer
By Mari Bozozo
The Dog Days of Summer are undoubtedly here. Along with the long lazy days, beachcombing,
sunbathing, and buying our fair share in stocks of bug repellent sprays and antihistamines, we
must also tango with the soaring temperatures. And if you’re not blessed enough to reside in
areas such as the west coast or the southwest, the heat becomes especially unbearable when
coupled with oppressive humidity. Of course, the challenges become amplified for the acne
sufferer. Sigh. Is Autumn here yet?!
As you may tell, Summer is not my favorite season, and for the reasons mentioned above.
However, as someone with a propensity toward challenged skin, I am determined to navigate
my way through it, regardless of the darts that the sun rays and the relentless dew points throw
at me. One way that I do this is by trying my hardest to keep my sweat to a minimum,
particularly when exercising. This is why I avoid any vigorous activity that involves being
outdoors. Unfortunately for me, that means limiting my activity indoors for the better part of
Summer. The irony is that I LOVE the outdoors. There is nothing more invigorating than going
on a miles-long and brisk walk (on the boardwalk, for me) during a cool Autumn, mild Winter, or
breezy Spring day. I’ve walked through each of these seasons completely unscathed. Walking
in the Summer is a completely different story. Imagine getting back from that endorphin-filled
outdoor walk or jog, only to see the inside of your upper arms and thighs laden with what I can
only describe as hundreds of colorless bumps. I also have noticed some mild, albeit
inconvenient acne in the small of my back after a profuse sweat from being outdoors. Whoever
stated that acne is limited to just the face has been grossly misinformed. The truth of the matter
is that wherever you have pores, you are susceptible to breakouts. High humidity and heat
make you more vulnerable if you have acneic skin to begin with.
So what exactly can you do to protect yourself? First and foremost, if at all practical, limit
outdoor activity as much as possible in the Summer, if not entirely. If you absolutely must
exercise or be active outdoors, I would strongly suggest that you prepare beforehand. Pure aloe
vera gel and/or raw shea butter are effective emollients to use before and after sun exposure. I
have used these in both instances and noticed a significant reduction in the outbreak of heat
bumps. For us ladies with acneic skin, makeup tends to be our suit of armor. However, it tends
to work against us in the outdoor summer heat. Even the minimum activity can lead to
breakouts for us. So do yourselves all a favor and ditch the makeup altogether if you must
exercise outdoors. I feel that this is a rule of thumb no matter the season. My logic is that
sweating impedes the breathing of our already fragile pores. Why help it along by adding
makeup to the mix? But to each her own. For those of you who opt not to wear makeup but are
still gung ho about exercising /being active outdoors, then your next best option will be to carry
with you makeup removal clothes or unscented and preferably organic baby wipes to mop up
excessive sweating on the spot. A spray bottle of water to spritz onto your face to dilute the
sweat is not such a bad idea, as well. For those of you who insist on still wearing makeup while
exercising, I will suggest that oil blotters or damp towels, when used at least every 30 minutes
can also help. Extra oily skin + sweat= a breeding ground for breakouts. Please use extreme
caution in whatever you choose to do.
As an afterthought, it would also be wise to beef up on zinc oxide during the Summer. Just
today while visiting with my esthetician, she noticed more hyperpigmentation than usual in one
of my problem areas. I have had hyperpigmentation under both of my eyes for a few years as a
result of being overly zealous with apple cider vinegar usage in bentonite clay masks. It’s been
a daunting task to deal with, but with Vitamin A Peels and Microdermabrasion, my problem
areas have improved. Some of my progress was undone, however, due to my not full protecting
myself from the sun. So beware! Getting back to zinc oxide: not only does topical zinc oxide, in
its purest form, guard you against the sun’s harmful rays, it’s also been proven to help clear
acne-causing bacteria and reduce oil production. My esthetician recommended that I get a zinc
oxide product with a 50 SPF in it. I’m extending this recommendation to all of you, as well.
Lastly, STAY HYDRATED. Drinking plenty of water is essential year-round, but it is vital to do so
during the Summer months. Water not only wards off the ills of dehydration, but it facilitates the
removal of toxins from our internal organs, helping us to achieve healthier and clearer skin. With
consistent water drinking in our arsenals, acne will not have a chance to wreak havoc on our
kissed from the sun complexions. I feel that drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces,
if not slightly more, is a great regime to adhere to.
What are your go-to tactics to keep acne at bay during the Summer? I’d love to hear from you!
Please leave your comments below!
All the Best to You in your quest to have Happier & Healthier Skin!
By Mari Bozozo
The Dog Days of Summer are undoubtedly here. Along with the long lazy days, beachcombing,
sunbathing, and buying our fair share in stocks of bug repellent sprays and antihistamines, we
must also tango with the soaring temperatures. And if you’re not blessed enough to reside in
areas such as the west coast or the southwest, the heat becomes especially unbearable when
coupled with oppressive humidity. Of course, the challenges become amplified for the acne
sufferer. Sigh. Is Autumn here yet?!
As you may tell, Summer is not my favorite season, and for the reasons mentioned above.
However, as someone with a propensity toward challenged skin, I am determined to navigate
my way through it, regardless of the darts that the sun rays and the relentless dew points throw
at me. One way that I do this is by trying my hardest to keep my sweat to a minimum,
particularly when exercising. This is why I avoid any vigorous activity that involves being
outdoors. Unfortunately for me, that means limiting my activity indoors for the better part of
Summer. The irony is that I LOVE the outdoors. There is nothing more invigorating than going
on a miles-long and brisk walk (on the boardwalk, for me) during a cool Autumn, mild Winter, or
breezy Spring day. I’ve walked through each of these seasons completely unscathed. Walking
in the Summer is a completely different story. Imagine getting back from that endorphin-filled
outdoor walk or jog, only to see the inside of your upper arms and thighs laden with what I can
only describe as hundreds of colorless bumps. I also have noticed some mild, albeit
inconvenient acne in the small of my back after a profuse sweat from being outdoors. Whoever
stated that acne is limited to just the face has been grossly misinformed. The truth of the matter
is that wherever you have pores, you are susceptible to breakouts. High humidity and heat
make you more vulnerable if you have acneic skin to begin with.
So what exactly can you do to protect yourself? First and foremost, if at all practical, limit
outdoor activity as much as possible in the Summer, if not entirely. If you absolutely must
exercise or be active outdoors, I would strongly suggest that you prepare beforehand. Pure aloe
vera gel and/or raw shea butter are effective emollients to use before and after sun exposure. I
have used these in both instances and noticed a significant reduction in the outbreak of heat
bumps. For us ladies with acneic skin, makeup tends to be our suit of armor. However, it tends
to work against us in the outdoor summer heat. Even the minimum activity can lead to
breakouts for us. So do yourselves all a favor and ditch the makeup altogether if you must
exercise outdoors. I feel that this is a rule of thumb no matter the season. My logic is that
sweating impedes the breathing of our already fragile pores. Why help it along by adding
makeup to the mix? But to each her own. For those of you who opt not to wear makeup but are
still gung ho about exercising /being active outdoors, then your next best option will be to carry
with you makeup removal clothes or unscented and preferably organic baby wipes to mop up
excessive sweating on the spot. A spray bottle of water to spritz onto your face to dilute the
sweat is not such a bad idea, as well. For those of you who insist on still wearing makeup while
exercising, I will suggest that oil blotters or damp towels, when used at least every 30 minutes
can also help. Extra oily skin + sweat= a breeding ground for breakouts. Please use extreme
caution in whatever you choose to do.
As an afterthought, it would also be wise to beef up on zinc oxide during the Summer. Just
today while visiting with my esthetician, she noticed more hyperpigmentation than usual in one
of my problem areas. I have had hyperpigmentation under both of my eyes for a few years as a
result of being overly zealous with apple cider vinegar usage in bentonite clay masks. It’s been
a daunting task to deal with, but with Vitamin A Peels and Microdermabrasion, my problem
areas have improved. Some of my progress was undone, however, due to my not full protecting
myself from the sun. So beware! Getting back to zinc oxide: not only does topical zinc oxide, in
its purest form, guard you against the sun’s harmful rays, it’s also been proven to help clear
acne-causing bacteria and reduce oil production. My esthetician recommended that I get a zinc
oxide product with a 50 SPF in it. I’m extending this recommendation to all of you, as well.
Lastly, STAY HYDRATED. Drinking plenty of water is essential year-round, but it is vital to do so
during the Summer months. Water not only wards off the ills of dehydration, but it facilitates the
removal of toxins from our internal organs, helping us to achieve healthier and clearer skin. With
consistent water drinking in our arsenals, acne will not have a chance to wreak havoc on our
kissed from the sun complexions. I feel that drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces,
if not slightly more, is a great regime to adhere to.
What are your go-to tactics to keep acne at bay during the Summer? I’d love to hear from you!
Please leave your comments below!
All the Best to You in your quest to have Happier & Healthier Skin!
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