Yelp, Inc. Corporate Racketeering on Grand Scale

I decided to write on this blog rather than putting my thoughts all over different sites, video comments, review websites, petitions, etc. etc. It's kind of exhausting.

After close to 4 years I stopped my advertising campaign with Yelp last September 2018.
I have a lot to talk about but let me by just saying that I CANNOT believe that lawyers and judges that were involved in the past class action lawsuits and said "there were no sufficient evidence", Just shocking!!!
I can’t help but think that with all the thousands of complaints, videos, reviews, petitions and even a documentary film that was made against Yelp, nothing has changed and they go on with business as usual!!
Is it possible that some people are just promoting their own agenda or making money off of hating Yelp?
Is it possible that people are even getting paid off behind the scenes to just go away?
From what I could find, the results of the class action lawsuits were “lawyers couldn’t prove their case”! How could that be possible? With some forensic investigation, it becomes quite evident how systematically Yelp is viciously manipulating our business pages! It’s so obvious that you can’t tell me a bunch of smart attorneys and judges could not see it!
I paid Yelp close to 4 years of advertising for $500/month and finally, I decided that the money I was throwing away basically protected me from my business page being tampered with so I stopped around September 2018 and everything went downhill after that. Everyone knows what happens so no need to repeat. The sequence of event in the last 4 months is so obvious that any 10-year-old child could see what goes on.
I would not be surprised if Yelp has a department somewhere in Timbuktu that their wages are $50/week and that’s all they do. Manipulate reviews to force businesses into advertising. Yelp is doing it so tactfully that we are actually advertising for Yelp with all these hate pages.
We are all helping yelp sell more advertisement because people have to survive and feed their families with their small businesses. So they have to pay money every month to Yelp to shut them up. Are we stupid or what?
I will continue my posts with a few screen shots and any evidence I have accumulated during the past few months.
Let's see how it goes. This blogging is kind of new for me so please bear with me.


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