Be Authentic, If Not For You, For God Sake

By Audrey Being remarkable is to be and act in a way that it’s worth people to talk about, to make a remark about.
Being the same as everyone else, copying others, might get some people’s attention for a while but just for a while, it won’t last.

Being authentic is misunderstood. Being authentic doesn’t mean a magical truth about who you are deep down, because deep down if we strip away our culture, we would spend all day naked, hunting and pooping in the jungle, that is who we are authentically. Everything else is just a story that we put on, a show to get people to like us and trust us.
You probably wore clothes today even though you didn’t necessarily want to or you went to work and took your kids to school even if you didn’t feel like it.

So for me, after a bit of research came to realize that, what authentic means is being consistent, what it means is even if you are not in the room am I acting the way I say I act, even if I don’t think you are listening, I am talking in a way as you are in the room.

If you are consistent, then we can describe you as authentic. Doesn’t matter, as a person or as a company. Consequently, being authentic means you do the same tomorrow as you did yesterday.
Being authentic is being seen and being seen is really scary. Because we think if they knew the truth about us, they’ll hate us, they could attack us, they would abandon us, so we don’t really want to be seen.
What do you want to be?


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